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Friday, March 2, 2007


Modification Spec

Shoc in front: Moto R, Rim in front : Rossi ALMU 120-17, Tromol in front: Ninja Dobel, Disk: Ninja/Buell Double, Kaliper: Supra Multi 12 Seed, Tacho. Auto Gauge, Swing Arm: Orsi chromium, Hind Rim: Sprint 140-17, In front/hind Tyre: Swallow 200-17, Hind Disk: Orsi/buell double, Muffler: Hand made pointed bamboo model, Chromium body: Kedung Cowek Pt Cahaya Selaras Lestari Surabaya, Draft chromium and foots: Cemerlang LIK Semarang.